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YL Essential Oils

Essential Oils for Life, Family & Home!

I was first introduced to Young Living essential oils in 1997. However it wasn’t until 2011 that the oils were fully penetrated into my consciousness and become an integral part of my everyday life.

Here’s how it happened...

In 1997 I was managing and living in community at a small retreat center. One of the ladies who also lived there was very sick. She heard about the positive results people were getting with Young Living essential oils using a raindrop technique. She asked me if I would do the technique on her and I said yes. So she got the kit with instructions and we both figured it out together. I did at least 2, maybe 3 sessions on her.

What I remember most about that experience (besides the heavenly fragrances) was that there was a palpable reverence in the room. That’s what really stayed with me throughout the ensuing years in which that I had no contact with the oils. That, and also that they must be very powerful oils because that lady is still alive today. I can’t say that the oils were solely responsible for her being alive, but I believe they were instrumental in her recovery.

Fast forward 10 years later to 2007 when a friend sent me the Young Living essential 7 oil collection kit for Christmas. The kit had lavender, lemon, joy, purification, panaway, peace and calming and peppermint oils in it.

I was so happy to receive the kit because of my great memories of the oils from before. I knew how to use the lavender and lemon oils, but the others I tucked away for another time. I thought about them now and then, but I was focused on other things in my life.

Then late in 2010 I contracted a bacterial infection and I was prescribed antibiotics to take for it. I had been pretty much healthy and I hadn’t taken antibiotics in 15 years. But, I took them anyway and I ended up having side effects from the medication. I had tingling in my hands and feet and face, which I found out later, is neuropathy. Plus I had a chalky sensation in my throat, which my oldest sister, who's a doctor, thought might be thrush. She told me take vitamin B for the neuropathy and that eventually it would get better. She prescribed me some medication for my throat, which didn’t help at all.

Yikes – what the heck!! I took medication that gave me side effects and then I took medication for the side effects. That seemed crazy and very inefficient to me.

I had spent the first few months of 2011 trying to heal using conventional medicine. And it was not fun. Now, it was then time to find a better solution.

That’s when Young Living came to the mind. I remember I had those other oils stashed away and it got me thinking. So I researched the web and Young Living's website on how to use the oils I had and I searched for something for my throat. And to that end I discovered the thieves oil blend. So I ordered a bottle.

Once I received the thieves oil, I put 1 drop in my mouth under my tongue, and almost instantly my throat cleared up. Well, that sealed the deal and I’ve been using Young Living oils, supplements and products every day since then. It’s been over a year of using the oils personally for myself, sharing them with my family and slowly substituting Young Living essential oil based products for the harsh chemical cleaners and soaps that I was using around the house.

Young Living essential oils have worked so well for me that I’ve decided to start sharing them with others – I can’t be quiet about it. I have to let others know the value of these wonderful products.

Historical Use of Essential Oils

Essential oils are considered mankind's first medicine and have been used around the world for centuries. Essential oils and other aromatics have been used in religious rituals, to treat various diseases, and for other physical and spiritual needs.

Research dates the use of essential oils back to 4500 BC. Ancient Egyptians were the first to discover the potential of fragrance, and records demonstrate that oils and aromatics were used for treating illness and performing rituals and religious ceremonies in temples and pyramids. 

There are more than 188 references to oils in the Bible, and some precious oils like frankincense, myrrh, rosemary, cassia, and cinnamon were used for the anointing and healing of the sick. Additionally, biblical prophets recognized the use of essential oils as protection against disease.

The reintroduction of essential oils into modern medicine first began during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Today, essential oils are used for aromatherapy, weight management, massage therapy, emotional health, personal care, nutritional supplements, household solutions, pet health and much more.

Young Living offers more than 300 essential oils (singles and blends) and all meet the YLTG standard, which means that every essential oil Young Living distills or sources has the optimal naturally-occurring blend of constituents to maximize the desired effect.

Below you can view or download the  product catalogue!

Product Guide Price List


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If you have any questions about ordering please contact me at 305-772-0919.

I care about your health and quality of life.

In love and support,

Clarissa Bell